A Hare's Toys

Since May 27, 2021 12:46 1515 times

8 star, fully upgraded with loyal employees all 40+ days (most over 100 days) in the company. Looking to see what prices I am offered before any FINAL decision as I always wanted to get my first company to 10 stars before moving on.

Toy Shop

Director ScottishHare [2519851]

  • Rating: 8
  • Hired: 12
  • Capacity: 12
  • Daily income: $2,081,172
  • Daily customers: 4,487
  • Weekly income: $14,340,666
  • Weekly customers: 31,295
  • Days old: 190

Listed by ScottishHare[2519851]

About the seller

  • TORN Name : ScottishHare
  • TORN id: 2519851



We want new members to join our ranks, and you look like you could fit in well with us. We want to make sure your needs and wants in Torn are also being met.

Our main priority here is to enjoy the game without too much pressure. We spend most of the time chilling, training, running events for funsies, and sharing a laugh in chat. We only chain about once a month, and rarely war (only if we have to).

If that sounds somewhat interesting, check out the perks we have to offer:

  • +14% Steadfast
    (Speed & Defense or Strength & Dexterity, rotates every month)
  • -30% side-effects from drugs
  • -50% drug addiction
  • -27% OD chance
  • -16% rehab cost
  • +24 nerve
  • +48 Hours booster CD
  • +50% Cans, Candy and Alcohol
Still unsure?

You're welcome to come visit and see what it's like first! Feel free to get in touch if you want to know more, or apply directly on our faction page.


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